Monday, February 7, 2011


I am in a stinky mood right now, because my Mommy hasn't let me talk to all of you I convinced her to allow me to catch you up.  If you haven't seen me lately, I am getting very big.  I am still quite the skinny fellow, but I am getting taller.  Mommy and Daddy have lots of names for me...Stinky, Bubba, Cowboy, Bubba-Roo, and so many more...In spite of all of these labels I am able to recognize my name, especially when it is said twice (Jack Jack).  

My head does not flop around nearly as much as it used to.  I have yet to master sitting up by myself, but I am working on it.  I can make my toys sing on my car seat all by myself.  My parents think I am beginning to cut a tooth.  They seem to think I am cranky a lot more than I used to be.  I drool.  I gnaw.  My digestive system is making some adjustments on its own.
 I just completed my first 10-11 hour journey to visit my cousin Bonnie, Aunt Meg, and Uncle Andy.  That was event for all of us.  There was ice, snow, rain, and birthday balloons.  My Bonnie is 1 and she loves me.  We had to miss her party, but we got some playing time in before we left.


  1. Yo, Jack Attack!!! Take it easy on the 'rents with the crankiness. Luckily, you are almost too cute for your own good. Love you! P.S. Can you pass along to your mom that I would love that link she mentioned of pictures of you that is available to non-Facebookers?

  2. Now, now... Jack in a stinky mood? ....nawwww..... Not possible. Those two little cousins have lots to happily anticipate. right, Sarah? Such cuz luv :-)

  3. Sorry! I forgot! Here are a few. :) Love you!
