Thursday, May 5, 2011

Ready For Take-Off: Plane etiquette {Mind Your Manners Thursday}

I don't know why, but this morning I had a flash back to last summer when I flew down to meet Andrew in Houston.  I was 7 months pregnant with Jack and knew I was not going to travel well.  I sat down by this nice man who seemed like the kind of guy who would keep to himself, so I thought.  We did the typical (polite) small talk and when he found out I was pregnant, he started giving me his entire opinion on pregnancy, birth, and parenting.  Again, he was very nice, he just talked way to much!  Some people would probably like this to distract them from the flight, me, I go straight to sleep because I get terribly motion sick...especially prego.  His talking caused my nausea to accelerate and as soon as we landed I knew I would be heading straight to the bathroom.  However, the plane had to taxi in several circles and right as the light came on for us to unbuckle our seat belts, I had to use the doggy bag.  The second flight didn't get much better.

So, in honor of my terrible memory, I have a few things to keep in mind next time you travel...

Bare-Foot Mamma's Top 10 Rules For Air Travel:

1)  Keep the talking to a minimum, unless your seat partner seems really interested, but remember, they may just be trying to be nice.

2)  If you do talk, be quiet!

3)  We all know traveling with kids is hard (I haven't had to do it yet, but I am dreading it already) so be kind to the parents if they are trying to do their best to keep their kids in line.

4)  Parents, an airport is not a vacation for you, make sure your children aren't annoying anyone.  I once had a child in squeeker shoes dump crackers in my lap in a terminal because their parents decided they didn't need to watch their darling little girl.

5)  Keep your knees and feet out of the back of the seat in front of you.

6)  Reclining your seat an inch isn't that helpful anyway, so think about how your seat back is in the face of the person behind you.

7)  Never bring you pets on the plane!!!  I have a terrible cat allergy and I my eyes were starting to itch and water and I couldn't figure out why...the lady next to me had a cat.  I didn't know they could even do that!  They take peanuts off the plane, but allow cats?

8)  Be nice to the flight attendants.  They are doing their best and they have most likely dealt with several rude people before they get to you, so give them a break.

9)  Say Thank You as you leave the plane.

10)Do NOT, and I repeat, do NOT bring any kind of smelly or crunchy food on the plane.  It affects everyone.

These may seem negative, and I apologize, but I am trying to save you from other people talking bad about you when you leave the plane and the airport.

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