Monday, April 18, 2011

Back Porch Garden.

Ok,  I have to admit a guilty pleasure of mine....I LOVE the Lowes Garden Center!  Sometimes Jack and I will go and just walk around aimlessly smelling all of the flowers, dreaming about the vegetables and planning on where we can put all of those beautiful trees in our yard.  Andrew likes Lowes too, but we tend to spare him of the aimlessness by going while he is at work.  I was so excited when we moved to the country because I thought, "now I will have my beautiful vegetable garden".  That still has yet to happen....

I am taking this year to learn from my neighbors who have been gardening for a while now.  But I did decide to do a few barrels on my back porch.  We'll see how this goes over.  They had a hard time when the storms blew through the other night, but I am hopeful. :)

Welcome to my mini garden.

Cherry Tomatoes are supposed to be resilient. 

I spend most of my grocery bill on fresh produce and herbs.  I just know I could cut our bill by growing my own.  

This is my herb barrel. 


Flat Leaf Parsley.


Cilantro...we eat a LOT of guacamole and salsa.

Mint...It's a refreshing touch to water or tea with some kind of citrus.
My mother-in-law taught me the joys of mint-lime water.

Please don't die, my little garden.

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