Monday, December 6, 2010

"Have You Heard the One About the Baby and the Raisin?..."

Hi friends,
Jack here.  I have some very big news to share with you.  I am 6 weeks and 4 days old today.  I am hitting every milestone with class.  I smile at my parents, more at my Mommy, but that's because I know she needs it.  She tends to get emotional when I'm upset.  Right now I don't mind because it gets me what I want, but if she cries when I'm in jr. high in front of my friends, we may have to have a talk.  But that's not what we're here to talk about...

After having my black bellybutton for a very long time, I decided to let it go on my 6 week birthday.  No one is more thrilled than my Daddy.  For some reason he couldn't stand the thing.  But I wasn't going to let this event happen casually, instead I wanted a bang!  So, we were all laying in bed Thursday morning, I just finished my morning meal and Mommy picked me up to change my diaper when all of the sudden Daddy let out a yelp!  He said, "What is a raisin doing in our bed?!!  IT'S HIS BELLY BUTTON!!!"  Mommy got a big kick out of that.  What can I say, my developmental achievements aren't all that glamorous.  But I do keep things interesting around here.

Here's my brand new bellybutton!

Also, my social security card came in the mail.  I'm official!  However, I doubt I'll ever get to collect my piece of the pie, it's still nice to have my name on an official document. 
Although I don't have any credit, whatsoever, I am taking proper measures to protect my identity.

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